Act 1, Natures Mortes

Born in 1978 in Giessen, the artist invites us to wander through the interval between the living and the non-living, between shadow and light, past and present, immobility and action, intensity and disillusionment.
The performative dimension of the oeuvre of Anne Imhof runs throughout the exhibition - works of art, sound pieces, architecture and the bodies present within it - enters into symbiosis with the space itself. Emptied of human presence and devoid of any spectacle, the first act of the exhibition offers a negative portrait of absent bodies and the traces of their presence, making their voices echo endlessly throughout the space.
Core Team of close collaborators
The core team of collaborators come from various backgrounds, their diversity allowing for each new piece to be approached from multiple perspectives. Whether dancers, models, philosophers, musicians, or composers, each collaborator brings to the work their own world and their own aesthetic. Together, they rehearse the sequences of movements, each of which is planned down to the slightest detail, and each of which allows for their personalities and sensibilities to be brought together within a framework that makes possible an ongoing dialogue with Imhof.
Over the course of the performance, the artist sends instructions via WhatsApp to her group of performers, including Eliza Douglas, Frances Chiaverini, Josh Johnson and Mickey Mahar, allowing them to adapt to the dynamics of the spectators present, who in turn become part of the constructed image.
Performances of Natures Mortes, Act 2
14 – 18 October and 21 – 24 October from 6pm until 10 pm
Reservations can be made on
In addition, still to be confirmed, there will be guest performances by :
Precious Okoyomon on Wednesday 6 October
Precious Okoyomon blends her powerful poetry with the architecture of Natures Mortes in a performative intervention whose components will become relics that will permanently integrate the exhibition.
And Paul B. Preciado’s text, «After Beauty», which features in the Natures Mortes edition of the Magazine du Palais de Tokyo, will be performed in the exhibition spaces by the author and by members of the core team.
HOURS : Palais de Tokyo is open every day except Tuesdays, from midday to midnight - Reservations at
Métro : Ligne 9, Iéna and Alma Marceau
Stations Bus : Lignes 32, 42, 63, 72, 80, 82, 92
RER : Ligne C, Pont de l’Alma station
Vélib’ : Vélib’ stations next to Palais de Tokyo
n° 16007 : 4, rue de Longchamp
n° 8046 : 2, rue Marceau
n° 7023 : Quai Branly
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