Ma'ohi Tribune Ma'ohi Tribune
Date et heure A Papeete, il est jeudi 13 mars 2025 à 13:52 - A Paris, il est vendredi 14 mars 2025 à 00:52

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Météo à Faaa et à Paris

La météo à Tahiti - Faaa

Température : 27.75°C

Humidité : 78%

Description : ciel dégagé

La météo à Paris - France

Température : 1.21°C

Humidité : 87%

Description : partiellement nuageux

Convertisseur Euro - Francs Pacifiques

Convertisseur Euro - XPF*

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La Galerie des Editions du Pacifique in Paris

The ‘Galerie des Editions du Pacifique’ is situated at 5 rue Saint-Romain in the 6th arrondissement of Paris and is open to the public from Monday to Friday, from 10 pm until 19pm.

From May 6 onwards, the gallery will display watercolours by Fabrice Moireau which illustrate the newly published book: Corse Aquarelles – aquarelles de Fabrice Moireau, textes de Belinda Cannone (only in French)
96 pages – format 290 x 250mm, ISBN : 978-2-87868-265-6, 33€

10 Mai 2021 - 12:05

St. Florent Port et Ville, Watercolour by Fabrice Moireau, book cover Corse Aquarelles, text by Belinda Cannone
St. Florent Port et Ville, Watercolour by Fabrice Moireau, book cover Corse Aquarelles, text by Belinda Cannone

The book joins the series of watercolour books published by Editions du Pacifique

The illustrator Fabrice Moireau spent over two months travelling all over Corsica. Enchanted by the island, over 250 paintings resulted from his forays to villages perched on cliffs, from fishermen’s ports, amidst the maquis in the company of wild boars, on rocks close to cascades or in towns scattered over the varied region.
Moireau set up his easel throughout the Mediterranean island, from Haute Corse (Cape-Corse, Erbalunga, Bastia, the Balagne, Agriates, Casinca) to the Eastern plains (Cervione, Aléria) towards Southern Corsica (Ajaccio, Piana, Porto, Partinello, Cuccuruzzu, Porto Vecchio, Bonifacio) and then reluctantly had to select about 180 watercolours to illustrate the book.

Fabrice Moireau, born in 1962, graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supèrieure des Arts appliqués et des métiers d’Art. A passionate traveller, Moireau never fails to bring back sketchs and watercolours in note-books bearing witness to his cultural and artistic interests in architecture, gardens and plants. He has illustrated many travel journals together with various authors.

Page of book with beach adjoining Tino Rossi's property, watercolour by Fabrice Moireau, and text by Belinda Cannone ©Les Editions du Pacifique
Page of book with beach adjoining Tino Rossi's property, watercolour by Fabrice Moireau, and text by Belinda Cannone ©Les Editions du Pacifique

The Author

The author Belinda Cannone, daughter of a Sicilian father and a Corsican mother, taught at the University of Corse-Pascal-Paoli in Corte for nine years.
Novelist and essayist she has published many books including ‘Narrations de la vie intérieure’ PUF, 2001 or ‘Ecrire en Corse’ together with Jacques Fusina, Klincksieck, 2010.

Cannone confessed (a literal translation by the writer): “The shores and islands of the Mediterranean nourished my imagination as a child. My father comes from a Sicilian family and my mother is Corsican and now lives on the island. I was born in Tunisia and grew up in Marseille. Most probably it is this multiplicity of residences which is at the origin of my impression of not having any real homeland…perhaps it has to do with the sea around whose shores my life took place.” Cannone went on to say that she discovered Corsica relatively late but then was fascinated by the different facets of life on the island.

La Galerie des Editions du Pacifique open from 6th May onward

5 rue Saint Romain, 75006 Paris, telephone 0142224863
Open from Monday to Friday from 10 to 19 pm
The watercolours of the latest book are on display
The book ‘Corse Aquarelles’ in French is available for sale at 33€ a copy
Remaining books of the watercolour series are also on sale
Consult the website: for additional information

Kunang Helmi-Picard
Fatma Kunang Helmi was born in Yogjakarta, Indonesia. Education in Switzerland, Australia and... En savoir plus sur cet auteur

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