Ma'ohi Tribune

National Museum of the History of Immigration (Paris) : ‘Ce qui s’oublie et Ce qui reste’ at Porte Dorée

‘What is forgotten and What remains’ - March 9 until July 11, 2021 in partnership
with the Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden (MACAAL - Marrakesh)

13 Mars 2021 00:00

A joint effort between two museums for the Africa 2020 season in France

Paris, 13 mars 2021 : The show, a joint effort between the two museums within the framework of the Africa 2020 season, explores the concept of cultural transmission through the work of 18 artists from the African continent and diaspora.

Ranging from personal stories to a broad historic perspective, the exhibition 'What is forgotten and What remains' deals with the issues of frontiers and migration, of links between generations, of history and memory on both sides of the Mediterranean and within the African continent itself.
Sammy Baloji, Lumumbashi (Dem. Rep. of Congo) and Brussels, Triptych, Retour à l'authenticité, vestiges of Mobutu, digital print collage, 2013, Collection MACAAL/Foundation Alliance © Sammy Baloji
Sammy Baloji, Lumumbashi (Dem. Rep. of Congo) and Brussels, Triptych, Retour à l'authenticité, vestiges of Mobutu, digital print collage, 2013, Collection MACAAL/Foundation Alliance © Sammy Baloji

Contents of the show accessible to the public when museums re-open

Paintings, weaving, sculpture, videos, installations, performances, some of which were commissioned from artists considered representative of the vitality of African art, also focus on exchange and rupture, on that which is forgotten, omitted or rendered invisible.

Disregarding colorful representation of what is assumed to be African artistic production, the show seeks to remove clichés of visual identity associated with the continent. ‘Ce qui s’oublie et Ce qui reste’ does not present a uniform whole, but rather varying and complex facets of visual narratives.

Works of the following artists displayed

Curated by Meriem Berrada, director of MACAAL (Marrakesh) and by Isabelle Renard, curator of collections and exhibitions, including contemporary art,  at the Porte Dorée Museum, the work of the following artists are on show :
Amina Aguesnay (Morocco), Ishola Akpo (Benin), Joel Andrianomearisoa (Madagascar/France), Sammy Baloji (Democratic Republic of Congo), Hicham Benohoud (Morocco), M’Barek Bouchichi (Morocco), Frédéric Bruly-Bouabré (Côte d’Ivoire), Emo de Medeiros (Benin/France), Badr El Hammami (Morocco), Abdessamed El Montassir (Morocco), Ymane Fakhir (Morocco), Meshac Gaba (Benin), Hamedine Kane (Mauritania/Senegal), Anuar Khalifi (Morocco), Malik Njemi (France/Morocco), Btihal Remli (Morocco/Germany), Zineb Sedira (France/UK/Algeria) and Lerato Shadi (South Africa/Germany).

The partner museums in the Season Africa 2020 event

MACAAL in Marrakesh is an independent, non-profit contemporary art museum dedicated to the promotion of African art through diverse exhibition and education programmes. The director Meriem Barrada aims to showcase art from Morocco and neighboring countries. The museum houses a permanent collection, besides hosting temporary shows highlighting the creative energy and cultural diversity found across the African continent.

The Parisian Palais de la Porte Dorée houses The National Musuem of the History of Immigration which is a multidisciplinary cultural institution. The museum contains an exhibition space, a multimedia library, a forum for exchange and debate and a center of research and education, besides hosting cultural events. It is dedicated to collecting, preserving, promoting and showcasing artefacts relating to the history of immigration in France and how immigrants contributed to the country’s economic development, social metamorphosis and cultural riches. Isabelle Renard supervises the collections and exhibition department of the museum which is directed by Sebastian Gökelp.

Senegalese female cultural consultant and French educated academic N’Goné Fall was appointed to the role of general commissioner of the Season Africa 2020, an invitation to look, learn and understand the world from an African perspective, initiated by Emmanuel Macron, the President of France. The Season Africa 2020, delayed for some months, takes place over six months in metropolitan France and its overseas regions and territories. The National Museum of the History of Immigration was the natural choice for the Paris venue.

Practical Information about the Museum

Sammy Baloji, Lumumbashi (Dem. Rep. of Congo) and Brussels, Triptych, Retour à l'authenticité, vestiges of Mobutu, digital print collage, 2013, Collection MACAAL Foundation Alliance © Sammy Baloji
‘Ce qui s’oublie et Ce qui reste’ : National Museum of the History of Immigration (Paris).
Musée National de l’Histoire de l’Immigration
293, Avenue Daumesnil – 75012 Paris
Metro 8, Tramway 3a, Bus 46 Porte Dorée
Opening times:
Tuesday - Friday 10:00h - 17:30h
Saturday&Sunday 10:00h -19:00h
Ticket sales end 45 minutes before closing time.

Mots-clés de l'article : musée

Fatma Kunang Helmi was born in Yogjakarta, Indonesia. Education in Switzerland, Australia and… En savoir plus sur cet auteur
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