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Amnesty International Paris Commemorates 70 Years of Human Rights Declaration  18/12/2018

On the morning of 6th December, 2018, the press opening of the photo exhibition organized by Amnesty International France to mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights took place at Gallery Wanted, situated at 23 Rue Roi de Sicile, 75004 Paris. The innovative photo exhibition will run from 7th December until 12 January 2019.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights or UDHR was signed in Paris, on 10th December 1948, by 48 signatory nations at the General Assembly of the United Nations, then situated at Palais Chaillot. Put together as the result of the sufferings of the Second World War, 30 basic freedoms were guaranteed legally for each and every human being:  commencing with the right to equality, freedom from discrimination, freedom from slavery, from torture and degrading treatment and so forth.

Over the years multiple infractions to this list of 30 basic freedoms have taken place, spanning all the continents. A documenatary video shown at the exhibition which is entitled in French : "Les Uns envers Les Autres" illustrates past, recent and even contemporary history concerning all the demands to personal freedom and the international court cases involved in bringing the criminals to justice.

The title given to the exhibition underlines the cruel dynamic of forces which takes place between human protagonists of opposing political, economic or racial elements. An exhibition well worth visiting to remind ourselves and others of the duty to support others in their efforts to secure their basic rights.

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